# BUNDLELDFLAGS - Additional flags passed to ld when linking bundles
# OTHER_CFLAGS - Flags passed to compiler (in addition to -g, -O, etc.)
# OTHER_LDFLAGS - Flags passed to ld (in addition to -ObjC, etc.)
# OTHER_OFILES - Additional relocatables that may be linked in
# OTHER_PRODUCT_DEPENDS - Other dependencies of this project
# OTHER_SOURCEFILES - Other source files maintained by .pre/postamble
# OTHER_GARBAGE - Additional files to be removed by make 'clean'
# MSGFILES - .msg files that should have msgwrap run on them
# DEFSFILES - .defs files that should have mig run on them
# MIGFILES - .mig files (no .defs files) that should have mig run on them
# PRECOMPS - Precompiled headers that should be built before compilation
# OTHER_INITIAL_TARGETS - Targets to be built before subprojects, etc.
# DSTROOT - Virtual root directory prepended to $(INSTALLDIR)
# Inputs from Makefile.postamble (with defaults set by this file):
# MAKEFILES - Makefiles this project depends on (default = Makefile)
# DEFAULT_CFLAGS - All compiler flags for this level (default set below)
# Inputs from Makefile (avoid setting these, ProjectBuilder controls them):
# NAME - name of application
# LANGUAGE - langage in which the project is written (default "English")
# LOCAL_RESOURCES - localized resources (e.g. nib's, images) of project
# GLOBAL_RESOURCES - non-localized resources of project
# CLASSES - Class implementation files in project.
# HFILES - Header files in project.
# MFILES - Other Objective-C source files in project.
# CFILES - Other C source files in project.
# PSWFILES - .psw files in the project
# PSWMFILES - .pswm files in the project
# SUBPROJECTS - Subprojects of this project
# BUNDLES - Bundle subprojects of this project
# OTHERSRCS - Other miscellaneous sources of this project
# OTHERLINKED - Source files not matching a standard source extention
# OTHERLINKEDOFILES - Other relocatable files to (always) link in.
# APP_MAKEFILE_DIR - Directory in which to find generic set of Makefiles
# MAKEFILEDIR - Directory in which to find $(MAKEFILE)
# MAKEFILE - Top level mechanism Makefile (e.g., app.make, bundle.make)
# INSTALLDIR - Directory app will be installed into by 'install' target
# Outputs to common.make:
# Defaults for NeXT-specific Release Control options
# Set these in case this is a standalone case (much of this cruftiness has to do with sh's inability to operate on $$bun in the common.make subcomponents rule)